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Branding, Webflow Website Launch and Event Design for State Broadband Directors and Mayors from USA.

The Broadband Leaders Summit conference was designed as a private, discreet non-conference tailored for broadband leaders and state broadband offices. The primary objectives were to facilitate discussions on the challenges of broadband funding and programs, share best practices, and provide networking opportunities in a collaborative and secure environment.

My Role: I served as the sole designer responsible for establishing the branding foundation and creating a comprehensive suite of materials, both print and digital.

This included:

  • Branding: Logo, color palette, design system, branding guidelines, AI-generated artwork, and photo manipulation.

  • Print Materials: Name badges, roll-up banners, step and repeat banners, notebooks, pens, tote bags, table tents, postcard/poster memorabilia, and chocolate coins.

  • Digital Materials: Custom presentations for event hosts and guests, featuring tailored patterned backgrounds for slides.

The event occurs bi-annually in varying locations, with design modifications for each instance. To date, the event has been held three times: BLS Miami (2022), BLS Lake Tahoe (2023), and BLS NOLA (2023), with the upcoming BLS Newport scheduled for 2024.

Success Metrics & Goals

Our key success metrics and goals for the Broadband Leaders Summit conference were strategically defined to achieve several key objectives:

1. Attendance of State Broadband Offices (SBOs): Ensuring the active participation of SBOs was a primary objective. By creating branding and materials that specifically resonated with their interests and needs.

2. Fostering Collaboration in a Secure Environment: Creating a secure and comfortable environment for collaboration was essential. The design of the event was meticulously crafted to encourage open and collaborative interactions, facilitating meaningful networking and knowledge sharing among all broadband leaders in attendance.

3. Making an Impact by Being Different and Unboring: Setting the Broadband Leaders Summit conference apart from traditional events was a key goal. By incorporating design choices that evoke nostalgia and memories of youth, such as themes inspired by Vice City and pixel art, we aimed to deeply connect with guests. This approach was designed to make the unconference feel like a special gathering focused on them and their impact. By combining nostalgic design elements with innovative branding, we created an environment where guests felt comfortable, inspired, and motivated to collaborate and make a lasting impact, while also creating new long-lasting memories.

The success of the event was not solely measured by attendance numbers but also by the quality of engagement and the impact created. By strategically aligning the design with the event's objectives and target audience, we were able to create a unique and engaging experience that exceeded expectations and set a new standard for what a broadband conference can be.

Design Process

Research & Ideation: I conducted qualitative research to define the target audience and collaborated closely with the event host to ensure that the branding effectively communicated the event's unique attributes:

  • Unconference format

  • Collaborative and engaging atmosphere

  • Fun activities

  • Amazing locations

  • Private and confidential setting

  • High-level security for peace of mind

Initial Concepts & Iteration: The initial design concepts went through multiple revisions, particularly the logo. The final design was a modern and straightforward version that could be easily adapted to reflect the evolving series of events rather than a single instance.

Tools & Technologies

  • Design: Figma and Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Website Building: Webflow and Carrd

Challenges & Solutions

Challenges: The main challenges encountered were tight deadlines for print material delivery and a lengthy list of items to create.

Solutions: Implemented meticulous tracking and organization strategies to ensure timely delivery and quality. Additionally, constant iteration and communication were essential to updating the website with the latest event schedule and guest information.

Collaboration: While I worked independently on the design, website, and print materials, I collaborated closely with event coordinators and the host to align with their vision for the event.

Results & Impact

Final Outcome: The event has been a resounding success, attracting an array of broadband leaders and over 20 state broadband office directors who continue to participate year after year.

Power in Numbers


State Broadband Office Directors in Attendance


in Broadband Funding Managed by SBOs in Attendance


Instances of Event to Date

Project Gallery

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